Saturday, April 08, 2006

Oh no!!! Another Woe!

"But woe to you who are rich..." (Luke 6:24a).

If you are like me you read that and think, "Well, that's certainly not talking about me! I'm not rich." And we translate it to "Woe to Bill Gates...!"

Steve Corbett
says that if you make minimum wage in the US, you are among the richest 5% in the world. And if you make $28,000 you are in the top 2% of the richest people in the world.

So, unless you make way less than minimum wage, when Jesus says "Woe to the rich..." He is talking to YOU!

"...for you are receiving your comfort in full." Um...yeah, that's probably most of us...we live pretty comfortable lives. (Especially when you consider the rest of the world.)

"Woe to you who are well-fed now, for you shall be hungry." I'm sorry, but there is no doubt whatsover that this applies to us. When we go back to the states we are struck by the enormous number of um... well-fed people.

Jesus started this discourse with "Blessed are you who are poor, for yours is the kingdom of God. 21 "Blessed are you who hunger now, for you shall be satisfied" (Luke 6:20-21a). Let's not be too hasty in saying "Oh, he's talking about the spiritually poor. The rest of the discourse seems to be pretty literal.

Next time you read about issues regarding the rich...don't read yourself out of the Bible!


Blogger Vikermac said...

All you can eat steak?! Lol, we have that once a month at the school cafeteria. Granted, I've always been too afraid to eat college steak, but rumor is it's pretty good.

You know Gary, I think that is a fine point you raise, with good use of support. But please, let me ask you a question...if I'm in the top 10% (I'm a waiter, I make less than minimum wage) then what can/should I do to help out the 90%? Should I take that responsibility on as a student, or should I wait until I receive a steady paycheck and start giving then?

4:59 AM  
Blogger Gary McDuda said...

Hey vikermac!

You don't really expect me to answer that do you? :)

The first step to is recognize that you most likely are in the "rich" category. That's my main purpose in this post--to raise your consciousness. It appears it has been raised!

How should you respond? Well, have you prayed about it? Have you asked God "God, what would You have me do with the money you have entrusted to me? How long before I have to start obeying you?" (hehehe).

I'm pretty sure I'll have more to say on this topic, so stay tuned. Mean while, keep your eyes and heart open.

8:21 AM  
Blogger danny2 said...

is the issue more about contentment and not being deceived into entitlement than it is about the actual number of possessions?

is there really an objective gauge to determine when one is rich?

is there any other perspective for a believer to have than to believe God has already given him far more than he deserves, and then to act accordingly?

how do i express this was a really good post yet keep doing it by asking questions?

12:34 PM  
Blogger Gary McDuda said...

:) I don't know if you guys are making fun of me or not, but I LOVE the questions posed! They are GREAT!

I'm certainly not naive enough to think that the answers are simple. But asking the right questions is half the battle.

Question Recap:

hey, what day again are we going to the all you can eat steakhouse?
OK, so they aren't ALL great questions. But it was a great meal!

if I'm in the top 10% ... then what can/should I do to help out the 90%? and What shall we do?

As RP points out "John's responses to that question are remarkably practical and balanced." We will be looking at those answers later on. The question then will be "Are we willing to obey that balanced and practical advice?"

How do you find the balance between being sensitive to culture while simultaneously confronting it?

An age old tension. I think when it disappears we are in big trouble. Resolving it is probably going to be the journey of a lifetime.

is the issue more about contentment and not being deceived into entitlement than it is about the actual number of possessions?

Very interesting question. What was it Paul said? "If we have food and covering, with these we shall be content" (1 Timothy 6:8 ). I think you might be on to something there. What would happen if we really were content with what we had?

is there really an objective gauge to determine when one is rich?

is there any other perspective for a believer to have than to believe God has already given him far more than he deserves, and then to act accordingly?

Excellent question. Danny2, you are quick study! What would it look like if we really did that?

how do i express this was a really good post yet keep doing it by asking questions?

I don't know, what do you think?

Seriously, this issue SHOULD raise lots of questions.

We'll keep working on it!

6:53 PM  
Blogger Charity said...

Great timing on this post! Lately I've been feeling a bit crowded in our current house, due to the arrival of three children in the past four years, and though we've attempted to move into something larger, God hasn't opened any doors as yet (literally and figuratively!). Thanks for the reminder that we have much more than we deserve . . .

4:19 PM  
Blogger Gary McDuda said...

I'm trying to decide if I should tell you about our friends who have 7 children and live in a two-bedroom house.

What do you think? Should I post that or not? :)

9:51 AM  
Blogger Charity said...

I wish you would. I'm wondering how they find enough privacy to keep conceiving more children!!

4:27 PM  
Blogger Gary McDuda said...

Yeah, I wonder that too. Apparently, where there's a will there's a way.

7:12 PM  
Blogger philpalm said...

At least I pass the minimum wage category (unemployed at times) but then the admonishment of leave your things behind and follow me will stop me in my tracks.....guilt is good said the fat man as he ate his steak....

Who cares about God? said the atheist as he fell towards hell.

God can forgive me later, said the procrastinating Christian as the end overtook him....

Well we know better, but we should try harder to get into gear.

4:01 PM  
Blogger philpalm said...

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4:02 PM  

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