Monday, November 13, 2006

I'm baaack...Maybe

I remember it well, April 16. Yes, Easter Sunday. I had this really cool post running around in my head on how people in Argentina tend to focus on the empty cross as an Easter symbol while North Americans usually emphasize the empty tomb. I was trying to grapple with that issue, as well as the fact that Easter is called "Pascua" here (Passover!). Any how, there were a bunch of things I wanted to deal with, but couldn't get anything to come out right. So, I kept trying for a week or so. Then gave up in defeat. And haven't blogged since.

I suppose I'm too much of a perfectionist to successfully blog. I mean, to me, it should have the reliability of an exegetical paper. One that got a good grade, that is.

So, alas, I'll try again.

It will be hard for me, because I hate putting stuff in print, unless I'm SURE of it. Well, anymore I'm seldom sure of anything. I'm probably not blogging material. But I will try.

I'm getting ready to start back to school, so maybe I'll just share some of what I'm learning. Or what they want me to learn. Learning is such a scary thing. Pray for me if you get a chance.


Blogger Gary McDuda said...

Good point...but it's the shooting thing that disturbs me.

1:07 PM  

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